Probability Fields
A series of bi-manual drawings on probability field paper (German: Wahrscheinlichkeitsnetze) interrogating the relationship between empiric and subjective truth. The Gaussian probability field paper, which is mainly utilized for mathematical statistics (to identify the principles of appearances of random variables) serves as an adequate surface for my drawing experiments using both hands simultaneously.
Technique: diverse markers, white and black ink
Dimensions: 30 x 42 / 70 x100
Year: 2003-2006, ongoing series
Material: Gaussian probability field paper
Technique: bi-manual drawings
Exhibited at:
– 2006 "Gezeichnet", Niederösterreichisches Landesmuseum, St.Pölten, Austria
– 2004 "Vom Rand der Dinge Sprache leihen", Kunstraum Auto, Wien, Austria
– 2003 "Die Synapsentankstelle", Galery 5020, Salzburg, Austria